The Code

An introduction to the Renewable Energy Consumer Code

Renewable Energy Consumer Code

The aim of the Renewable Energy Consumer Code is to ensure that consumers wishing to install a small-scale heat or power generation unit for their homes have the necessary confidence and service standards so that they can make an informed choice.

Who are Members of the Code?

Our members are firms selling or leasing small-scale renewable or low carbon heat or power generation unit who have agreed to comply with the Renewable Energy Consumer Code. The Code is backed by the Trading Standards Institute (TSI) as part of a self-regulation initiative, the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme. TSI has set out the core criteria for consumer codes in its Core Criteria and Guidance which you can find here.

The Consumer Code, the Consumer Guidelines and the other guidance documents on the website are designed to help consumers get advice on generation solutions without being subjected to negative marketing/sales tactics, and to ensure high standards of service before, during and after a contract is agreed.

Use our site to find a Code member in your area, or to check if your current supplier is a member.

Firms wishing to become members can download an application form here.

What is a small-scale heat or power generation unit?

Small-scale heat or power generation units are small-scale devices which enable you to generate your own heat or power from renewable or non-renewable, low carbon sources.

For example, these can include photovoltaic solar panels, small-scale wind and hydro powered generating units, ground or air source heat pumps, solar water heating panels, boilers or combined heat and power units fuelled by wood chips.

These units have the potential to reduce your energy bills, reduce the impact you have on the environment, and maybe even give you the ability to sell your electricity back to the grid. They also help reduce our dependence on large generating plants located far from where you live.

Useful Information for consumers

It is important that consumers have full information about the upfront costs, the running costs and the expected performance before they agree to buy or lease a small-scale heat or power generating unit. Code members have agreed to provide this to consumers in an easy-to-understand format. Our Guidance for Consumers section has some useful information for anyone thinking about buying a generating unit for their home, community building or small business.

About the Consumer Code

The Consumer Code links closely to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme installer and product certification scheme. Both of these are run by The MCS Service Company Ltd. Any member of the Code member, including all those working on their behalf, are expected also to comply with these schemes, or if they sub-contract the work, to ensure that those that carry out the work on their behalf comply with these schemes.