How to complain - for micro business consumers

Information on our complaints process

The Renewable Energy Consumer Code aims to promote small-scale renewables in the domestic consumer sector. As such the Code closely mirrors the consumer protection legislation currently in force that applies to domestic consumers. Many of our members also work with small commercial consumers and the MCS installer standards do not differentiate between domestic and small commercial consumers. In order to assist our members more effectively, RECC has worked with CEDR Solve (part of the same group as CEDR) to design an independent arbitration scheme specifically for small commercial consumers. (We have categorised them as micro business consumers and have borrowed a definition from the energy retail sector.)

Micro-business consumers are not permitted to use the RECC complaints process set out in the previous section. However, if you fall within the definition and you have a complaint against a RECC member which you have been unable to resolve directly with the member you are permitted to apply to CEDR Solve to use the independent arbitration scheme. You can find the scheme rules here.  If you would like to use the independent arbitration scheme please contact Abena Simpey Each party will have to pay a fee of £200 + VAT and RECC will pay the balance.

For the purposes of this Arbitration Service ‘Micro Business Consumer’ means one who is not a domestic consumer and who has:

(i) An annual consumption of:
      (a) electricity of not more than 55,000 kWh; or
      (b) gas of not more than 200,000 kWh; or
(ii) (a) fewer than 10 employees (or their full time equivalent); and
      (b) an annual turnover or annual balance sheet total not exceeding £1.5 million.