
RECC's policy on whistle-blowing

This notice applies to individuals who wish to disclose certain information and/or non-compliances arising from the activities of RECC members selling and installing renewable energy systems to domestic consumers. Such an individual will normally be an employee or an ex-employee of a RECC member.  This is known as ‘whistle blowing’ and is distinct from making a complaint.

Sometimes it is only through whistle-blowing that important information comes to light and can be investigated. Whistle-blowers may contact RECC by telephone, letter or by email as they consider appropriate. See RECC Bye-Laws here: www.recc.org.uk/scheme/bye-laws


RECC takes the issue of maintaining confidentiality seriously and will make every effort to ensure the whistle-blower’s identity is kept confidential and only disclosed to a limited group of people within RECC as appropriate given the nature of your disclosure.

RECC would not normally encourage whistle-blowers proactively to obtain any further information from any source.  However, we may ask whistle-blowers to clarify or supplement the information they have provided.

Use of the information

Following receipt of an initial telephone call, letter or email from a whistle-blower, RECC will acknowledge the concerns raised and will log the information provided on our database as ‘feedback’. RECC will feed back the information to the RECC member with the whistle-blower’s consent, though RECC will not disclose the whistle-blower’s identity under any circumstances.

RECC is obliged by the Trading Standards Institute to use information supplied to us from a range of sources as part of our ongoing monitoring and compliance activities. RECC will therefore make the information available to the monitoring and compliance teams if appropriate to do so. RECC will not make the identity of the whistle-blower available. The information may form part of RECC’s evidence of the RECC member’s alleged breaches of the Code, and as such form part of the documentation provided to the Non-compliance Panel.

How to contact RECC

If you wish to contact RECC to disclose information you can find the details here: www.recc.org.uk/contact