REAL and REA respond to Prospect Law’s High Court threat
Posted: 5 July, 2012. Written by Mark Cutler
Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd (REAL) runs a Consumer Code for the small-scale renewables sector approved by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). The purpose of its Code is to maintain the highest standards of consumer protection in the sector.
REAL has been working with both parties to resolve a complaint from a consumer against Crystal Windows and Doors. The complaint remains unresolved.
During this process, Crystal has started legal proceedings against REAL regarding its administration of the Code. REAL treats any attempt to challenge the consumer safeguards under the Code very seriously and will defend the court proceedings robustly.
The claim against REAL’s parent company, the Renewable Energy Association (REA), misrepresents historic events well-known to members at the time and resolved to their satisfaction.
Notes to Editors:
The Renewable Energy Association (REA) represents renewable energy producers and promotes the use of all forms of renewable energy in the UK across power, heat, transport and renewable gas. It is the largest renewable trade association in the UK, with over 900 members, ranging from major multinationals to sole traders. For more information, see:
Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of the REA. It is a company limited by guarantee that administers an industry Consumer Code approved by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) under its Consumer Codes Approval Scheme (CCAS). For more information, see:
REAL works to ensure the highest standards of consumer protection in the small-scale renewables sector. It is obliged by the OFT to audit and mystery shop a significant proportion of its members each year in order to ensure full compliance with the Code. REAL is required by the OFT to work to resolve any complaints registered against its members, and to audit any such members.