News from RECC

The latest news from RECC

DECC RHI census published

Posted: 19 November, 2014. Written by Mark

Yesterday DECC published its first interim report from a census of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) applicants. The census was designed to help DECC understand participants’ experiences of installing a renewable heating technology, and applying to the RHI Scheme. The findings cover applications made between the scheme launch and the end of August.

Below are some highlights from the report:

The majority of participants were satisfied with their renewable heating systems

• 89% of RHI participants were very or fairly satisfied with their renewable heating technology.

Installers were a key source of awareness, and the majority of applicants have not experienced difficulties installing their technologies

• Participants most commonly found out about the RHI from an installer (61%).

Participants’ experiences of the RHI were largely positive

• 61% of RHI participants reported no difficulties in meeting the RHI requirements. For those who did (39%), the most common difficulty experienced was with a lack of clarity regarding the RHI application process (16% of all participants). 

• Three quarters (75%) of RHI participants were satisfied or very satisfied with the application process, 14% were fairly or very dissatisfied.

• Eight in ten (82%) found the application form very or fairly easy.

• 71% of RHI participants reported no problems with their application. The most common problem experienced, by 11% of participants, was having their initial application rejected.

You can find the full report on the DECC website here